Board Election

SLE HOA Board Members volunteer—for free—for three-year terms. Four seats come available in May 2024. Each lot has one ballot and may select four candidates to fill the four seats. Here are your voting choices:

  1. Vote online - Use the below Google Form to vote from now through May 14, 2024. Please vote online by 4pm on May 14, 2024, so ballots may be printed + delivered to the voting table by opening at 5:30pm.

  2. Vote in-person - The semi-annual meeting will be held in the Staff Lounge (room 300) at Timberlake H.S. in Spirit Lake on Tues, May 14, 2024, 6:00-7:30pm. Voting will take place at the table outside of the lounge, 5:30-8:00pm. Enter from the front of the building and the Staff Lounge is the first room on the right.

  3. Paper ballot - If you prefer to vote (or assign a proxy) from home, contact us at (208) 610-7096 or via email at by April 30th, and we’ll mail hardcopies, due by May 14th, 2024. Alternatively, you may request via email a PDF version, which can be emailed or mailed back to us.

This helps us to save on paper, ink + postage, which are far more expensive now than they used to be.

The Election Committee requests that all proxy ballots be delivered (via email or postal service) by 4pm on May 14, 2024 so all may be printed + delivered to the voting table by the time it opens for voting at 5:30pm. The last proxy ballot pickup (P.O. Box 217, Spirit Lake, ID 83869) will be at 4pm on May 14, 2024 as well.

 **While we’ve previously stated that votes are due by 11:59pm, this is only a grace period in the event of technical difficulties or unavoidable delays, so please do not wait until the last moment to vote**

Elections are not for a specific position with the SLE Board. Instead, those with the most votes will be elected to fill the four seats in general. The Board then determines what position will be most suitable for each person elected depending on skills, availability and access to the necessary equipment (if any). 

If you submit more than one vote for the same lot (for example, if both spouses vote online w/o realizing), the earliest timestamp will stand. So, be sure to coordinate with your lot co-owner who will submit the vote.

Questions? Contact

Vote Online Here